The Producer Game : be a movie producer ! (free simulation game)

Patagonia Pictures
Money : 49 391$ (12th)

Produced movies : 0 blockbuster, 0 A movie, 0 B movie et 2 Z movies (11th).

Entries of the week : 9 175 viewers (evolution)
Market share during the last 12 months : 0,0% (9th) (evolution)
Comedy : 0,1% (5th) - Thriller : 0,1% (3th)

Films remarquables
Biggest budget : Los Amigos de Oro with 110 000$ (11th)
The biggest income : Los Amigos de Oro with 142 685$ (11th)
The biggest profit : Los Amigos de Oro with 32 685$ (11th)
Biggest profit (%) : Los Amigos de Oro with 30% (11th)
Longest life in theater : Los Amigos de Oro with 9 Weeks (11th)

All movies
- Buenos Aires 2007
- Los Amigos de Oro