The Producer Game : be a movie producer ! (free simulation game)

Nohkinrok presents
Livepool 27
fantastic blockbuster by Sonny Cmiral

Gil Lefevre

Kellie Ellis

Klaus Courtenay

Ada Reviglio
Special guest : Richard Janssen, David Larson, Gianni Hooper, Bernd Keith, Amanda Goldsmith, Orlando Vinding, Virginia Lerner, Ben Brandon, Kellie Glau, Estelle Jankel, Marie Van Handenhove, Bernhard Leonard, Lily Leroy, Valeria Lerner, Saul Doldinger, Steven Buxton, Orlando Jablonsky, Lou Johnson, Lydia Gabriel, Freddy Klepacki, Alice Kyd
Music by Albin Conti
On screen the January the 01st - Year 2005 (Week 5607)
Admissions : 23 978 916
url :