The Producer Game : be a movie producer ! (free simulation game)

Pentatonique Production
4thproducer of the year 2126
4thproducer of the year 2127
Money : 53 962 628$ (4th)

Produced movies : 0 blockbuster, 2 A movies (6th), 19 B movies (3th) et 13 Z movies (5th).

Entries of the week : 1 223 661 viewers (evolution)
Market share during the last 12 months : 6,0% (4th) (evolution)
Romance : 5,6% (2th) - Drama : 0,0% (5th) - Science-fiction : 8,2% (3th) - Fantastic : 0,3% (4th) - Thriller : 4,2% (3th) - Historic : 43,9% (2th) - Animation : 43,6% (1th) - Documentary : 5,4% (3th)

Films remarquables
Biggest budget : Voletarium : pirates des airs 2 with 12 349 223$ (6th)
The biggest income : Voletarium : pirates des airs with 23 988 459$ (6th)
The biggest profit : Voletarium : pirates des airs with 13 534 657$ (2th)
Biggest profit (%) : Hôtel des Roses with 559% (3th)
Longest life in theater : La dame du rez-de-chaussée with 39 Weeks (4th)

All movies
- Exedor
- Bowie: Blackstar
- First woman
- 4 mois
- Voletarium : pirates des airs 2
- Simili
- Les Soulèvements de la Terre
- L'ambre
- La symphonie universelle
- Danse avec la nuit
- Papillons 2 nuit
- Alice
- Octobre court
- La dame du rez-de-chaussée
- Enduro
- Dernier maillon
- Les Harmonies
- Identiques et Similaires
- Deliver
- Voletarium : pirates des airs
- Indigo
- Douce vengeance
- Rules must be obeyed
- Dox Tafar
- Lil Pocket
- Clé de voûte
- Happy to be there
- Halo
- Papillons
- Moon pearl
- Dr. Lawson
- Identiques
- D'hyacinthe et d'or
- Hôtel des Roses