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SWOR: Mandalore

About 3978 before the original episode, a pureblood member of the Sith species approached Mandalore, stated that he was the emissary of a powerful Sith Lord, and persuaded Mandalore to help him in his search for the tomb of the enemy of his master's ancestor. They came to the world of Rekkiad, where they discovered the tomb, and inside a crypt where the Sith took the remains for his master. Afterwards, the emissary told Mandalore of a vision his master had of the Mandalorians waging war on the Republic and conquering it. As a result, Mandalore started a new crusade in 3976 BBY. He led his renewed forces into the Outer Rim Territories, along the edge of Republic territory, sacking independent worlds and colonies.  


Premier film de la première trilogie de l'ancienne république. Ce film raconte l'ascension de Mandalore et le début des guerres Mandaloriennes. Mettant en vedette Adrien Morgan, Lisa Hodge, Jonathan Sbrizzi & Nathalie Rivedieu. Réalisé par Tracy Altman.  



Scénario :
une série A thriller de Tracy Altman

Adrien Morgan

Lisa Hodge

Jonathan Sbrizzi

Nathalie Rivedieu
Sorti le 01 janvier 2005 (Semaine 4290)
Entrées : 18 042 491
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