The Producer Game : be a movie producer ! (free simulation game)

The Kin Strife

When in TA 1432 Eldacar succeeded his father the unrest grew into open rebellion, as many people saw Eldacar as a half-breed who had no right to rule. The chief of them was his distant relative Castamir the Usurper, Lord of Ships, who in TA 1437 usurped the throne, forcing Eldacar into exile. Castamir was supported by the people of the realm of Umbar, who sought revenge against Gondor. During the rebellion Osgiliath was burned, and the great Dome of Stars was lost, together with its Palantír. Castamir also murdered Eldacar's son and heir Ornendil. Eldacar fled to Rhovanion, and Castamir ruled in his stead.  




Scénario :
une superproduction d'action (Contenu Tolkien & Indepfilms) de Patrick Harris

Jonathan Sbrizzi

Lea Burman

Matthew Bloom

Jewel Goodwin
Avec la participation exceptionnelle de Gina Hoskins, Jessica Faulconer
Musique par Maiween Edelman
Sorti le 01 janvier 2005 (Semaine 4509)
Entrées : 30 622 656
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